Setting Koneksi Telkom Flexi

Panduan seeting koneksi internet dengan menggunakan konesi telkom felxi:

  1. klik Start-Control panel-dobel klik "Network Connection"
  2. klik File - "New Connection Wizard", klik Next
  3. pilih "Setup my connection manually" klik Next
  4. pilih "Connect using a dial-up modem" klik Next
  5. ISP Name TelkomFlexi, klik Next, phone number :#777 lalu klik Next
  6. isi user name telkomnet@flexi, Password & confirm Password telkom
  7. Berikan tanda chek untuk "make this the default internetconnection"
  8. Berikan tanda chek "Add a shortcut to this connection to my desktop", jika anda menghendaki - klik Finish.

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